As we all know, women love to wear stylish designer handbags from the popular brand names such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and many more.
Aside from giving us an ease on bringing our stuff with us, handbags can reflect our personality with style and craftsmanship. It can be a very influential fashion accessory that can denote something about us that can greatly affect our social status.
These designer handbags can do a lot of things for us. It provides quality, style and functionality that's why most fashionistas considered it as an everyday necessity that every women shouldn't go without.
Female celebrities are also fond of wearing designer handbags and that's one of the major reasons why they are becoming ever more popular than before. Hollywood stars like Blake Lively of the movie Gossip Girl is one of the many handbags fanatics out there. Blake Lively loves Gucci handbags because of its usefulness and it completes her fashion outfit.
Featured Item: Gucci Handbags - Indy Medium Top Handle Bag
This 'Indy' medium top handle bag with single handle, detachable shoulder strap, engraved Gucci logo, tassels with bamboo detail, metal plates, studs, inside zip pocket, and cell phone pocket. Beige/ebony GG fabric with silver snake Print leather trim, and light gold hardware.
Size: W43 x H32 x D3
Color: Beige
Retail Price:$1,200.00 each
Runway Special: $499.99 each
Aside from giving us an ease on bringing our stuff with us, handbags can reflect our personality with style and craftsmanship. It can be a very influential fashion accessory that can denote something about us that can greatly affect our social status.
These designer handbags can do a lot of things for us. It provides quality, style and functionality that's why most fashionistas considered it as an everyday necessity that every women shouldn't go without.
Female celebrities are also fond of wearing designer handbags and that's one of the major reasons why they are becoming ever more popular than before. Hollywood stars like Blake Lively of the movie Gossip Girl is one of the many handbags fanatics out there. Blake Lively loves Gucci handbags because of its usefulness and it completes her fashion outfit.
Featured Item: Gucci Handbags - Indy Medium Top Handle Bag
This 'Indy' medium top handle bag with single handle, detachable shoulder strap, engraved Gucci logo, tassels with bamboo detail, metal plates, studs, inside zip pocket, and cell phone pocket. Beige/ebony GG fabric with silver snake Print leather trim, and light gold hardware.
Size: W43 x H32 x D3
Color: Beige
Retail Price:
Runway Special: $499.99 each