6 MM wonderful mask so amazing effect - beauty single product - Beauty - Ariel Women Network

    mask is now well-known things,mac brushes, beauty essentials it! What you look at the last kind of mask ? The most common kind is it? Out of you ! Try these 6 fast ! Ensure that you face everything, it is not OK under the skin did not listen ah !

    magical one: vapor bubble mask
    to do in the face The mask can even blisters ? This is simply mask the primary sector in the Jones ! Just a few minutes,mac makeup, will be able to heat the dense bubble to be a warm face, SPA treatments.
    Oops! The same bubble as the butter bubbles can mask the dense covering every pore of the skin , the water locked in the bubble and the skin layer , the gradual warming will improve after the blood circulation, strengthen the skin 's defense , picked up the skin Temperature to enhance metabolism. After rinsing the face Huanen touch , and you will have a attaining a maximum fun.
    Oops! After the whole face in the painting , without massage, the skin will gradually feel the warm bubble exudes a sense , wait 5 minutes, wash thoroughly with water or warm water .
    Oops! But also by the use of the bath temperature increases by the body ,blackhawks jerseys, his face out of the water will evaporate by the bubble sealing, seepage back skin, moist skin once again increase the degree .
    Orbis steam bubble mask (RMB229/100g)
    no oil , no fragrance ,vibram 5 fingers, no color , add Han of the essence, so that the skin from the inside out , revealed a brilliance that can Skin metabolism to promote the plight of passivated rely essence, can promote collagen production, restore the original clarity and gloss, elastic face immediately feel Guangrun created marriage -like Q Ma playing muscle.